Letters: Pass AB 1866 | Public health | Choice of youth | Inactivity is not acceptable | Delete the pipeline

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Lawmakers must pass
oil well production bill

We say: “Oil companies should stop leaking oil wells” (Page A6, July 24).

I am a healthcare professional. I am writing in support of the California Convention Act of 1866, which aggressively attempts to block idle oil and gas wells in California. Such wells are a major health hazard in our communities, especially those who are economically and economically disadvantaged. This bill will work to protect our citizens from this danger.

Those who live near oil and gas wells are at increased risk of developing asthma, heart disease, birth defects and cancer. Unfortunately, the oil companies responsible for the management of these wells are doing everything they can to avoid the costs associated with the plugging process, and the current law is ineffective. enough to do.

AB 1866 will avoid a huge burden on taxpayers by holding these companies accountable for the problems they have caused. As a health professional and mother, I urge California legislative leaders to support this bill.

Reetu Gupta

AB 1866 would speak
public health issue

We say: “Oil companies should stop leaking oil wells” (Page A6, July 24).

I am writing in response to Ron Sadler of the Livermore Letter to the Editor. As a community psychiatrist with decades of experience working with disadvantaged populations, I support these concerns about the grave threat that idle oil and gas wells pose to public health and the environment.

Oil and gas wells emit methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, as well as benzene, formaldehyde and many other harmful substances. People who live near wells are at increased risk of developing asthma, heart disease, birth defects and cancer. I have seen firsthand how these diseases affect the mental health of those affected and their families.

AB 1866 is critical to protecting public health and is an important piece of legislation on California’s path toward a sustainable future.

Wendy Bernstein

Ridicule is not a method
attracting youth votes

Re: “The Harris administration will provide a harsh lesson” (July 30).

Bill Behan’s letter disparaging young voters is a perfect example of why so many enjoy the prospect of a candidate like Kamala Harris.

Data has shown that millennials and Gen Z are the first generations to feel worse than their parents. Costs and capital requirements to acquire a first home exceed the US median income. Therefore, small workers have to work two to three jobs just to survive. Yet when it comes to the old guard in politics, these worsening conditions for our future generations are largely ignored. So, when they are given an option that listens to their concerns, why shouldn’t they be happy?

If the only answer to that is to belittle the candidate, complain about wanting freebies (while ignoring Trump’s promises of free tax cuts), and scare planning, is it really a secret? why are new voters excluded?

Christopher Dooner

Inactivity on January 6
undermines Trump

Donald Trump has no right to be the president of the United States. His inaction following the storming of the US Capitol by some of his supporters disqualifies him.

The committee’s Jan. 6 investigation shed light on Trump’s behavior, but neither Trump nor his spokespeople have provided a definitive account of his actions during that time.

In Trump’s Jan. 6 speech at the Ellipse, he directed the crowd to the US Capitol to protest “peacefully.” As soon as he knew that the security of the Capitol had been breached he should have used a large part of his social media presence to order his followers immediately to stop their actions and leave the area. This failure to act was a failure of leadership and moral authority.

It is up to the voters of this country to hold him accountable.

Richard Thompson

#Letters #Pass #Public #health #Choice #youth #Inactivity #acceptable #Delete #pipeline

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